Source code for torch_points3d.core.data_transform.feature_augment

import random
import torch

# Those Transformation are adapted from

[docs]class NormalizeRGB(object): """Normalize rgb between 0 and 1 Parameters ---------- normalize: bool: Whether to normalize the rgb attributes """ def __init__(self, normalize=True): self._normalize = normalize def __call__(self, data): assert hasattr(data, "rgb") if not (data.rgb.max() <= 1 and data.rgb.min() >= 0): data.rgb = data.rgb.float() / 255.0 return data def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._normalize)
[docs]class ChromaticTranslation(object): """Add random color to the image, data must contain an rgb attribute between 0 and 1 Parameters ---------- trans_range_ratio: ratio of translation i.e. tramnslation = 2 * ratio * rand(-0.5, 0.5) (default: 1e-1) """ def __init__(self, trans_range_ratio=1e-1): self.trans_range_ratio = trans_range_ratio def __call__(self, data): assert hasattr(data, "rgb") assert data.rgb.max() <= 1 and data.rgb.min() >= 0 if random.random() < 0.95: tr = (torch.rand(1, 3) - 0.5) * 2 * self.trans_range_ratio data.rgb = torch.clamp(tr + data.rgb, 0, 1) return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(trans_range_ratio={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.trans_range_ratio)
[docs]class ChromaticAutoContrast(object): """ Rescale colors between 0 and 1 to enhance contrast Parameters ---------- randomize_blend_factor : Blend factor is random blend_factor: Ratio of the original color that is kept """ def __init__(self, randomize_blend_factor=True, blend_factor=0.5): self.randomize_blend_factor = randomize_blend_factor self.blend_factor = blend_factor def __call__(self, data): assert hasattr(data, "rgb") assert data.rgb.max() <= 1 and data.rgb.min() >= 0 if random.random() < 0.2: feats = data.rgb lo = feats.min(0, keepdims=True)[0] hi = feats.max(0, keepdims=True)[0] assert hi.max() > 0, "invalid color value. Color is supposed to be [0-255]" scale = 1.0 / (hi - lo) contrast_feats = (feats - lo) * scale blend_factor = random.random() if self.randomize_blend_factor else self.blend_factor data.rgb = (1 - blend_factor) * feats + blend_factor * contrast_feats return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(randomize_blend_factor={}, blend_factor={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.randomize_blend_factor, self.blend_factor )
[docs]class ChromaticJitter: """ Jitter on the rgb attribute of data Parameters ---------- std : standard deviation of the Jitter """ def __init__(self, std=0.01): self.std = std def __call__(self, data): assert hasattr(data, "rgb") assert data.rgb.max() <= 1 and data.rgb.min() >= 0 if random.random() < 0.95: noise = torch.randn(data.rgb.shape[0], 3) noise *= self.std data.rgb = torch.clamp(noise + data.rgb, 0, 1) return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(std={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.std)
[docs]class DropFeature: """ Sets the given feature to 0 with a given probability Parameters ---------- drop_proba: Probability that the feature gets dropped feature_name: Name of the feature to drop """ def __init__(self, drop_proba=0.2, feature_name="rgb"): self._drop_proba = drop_proba self._feature_name = feature_name def __call__(self, data): assert hasattr(data, self._feature_name) if random.random() < self._drop_proba: data[self._feature_name] = data[self._feature_name] * 0 return data def __repr__(self): return "DropFeature: proba = {}, feature = {}".format(self._drop_proba, self._feature_name)
[docs]class Jitter: """ add a small gaussian noise to the feature. Parameters ---------- mu: float mean of the gaussian noise sigma: float standard deviation of the gaussian noise p: float probability of noise """ def __init__(self, mu=0, sigma=0.01, p=0.95): = mu self.sigma = sigma self.p = p def __call__(self, data): if random.random() < self.p: data.x += torch.randn_like(data.x) * self.sigma + return data def __repr__(self): return "Jitter(mu={}, sigma={})".format(, self.sigma)